Weight Loss Journey


Friday, April 30, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Off to the gym tonight to join up to the 12 week challenge. I get very excited every time I think about the possible outcome at the end (awesome weight loss!) but then when I think about the actual journey I get scared.

But scared or not I'm off to join up :)

12 week challenge :S

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I weighed in on Monday with no change at all! No loss and no gain.

I decided its time to KICK my butt into gear and I'm signing on for the 12 week challenge at the Gym. SCARED!!
This will involved having to go to the gym during the week, following a plan your trainer sets for you, one Personal Training session a week and then a compulsary Sunday group session where all the trainers work you so hard with a different activity each week (including boot camp!)
Not only will it include the exercise plan, but it also includes a food diary where you have to record what you eat, stay within a certain amount of calaries and they check your food diary at ever PT session to see how you've been going. There are 'punishments' for certain bad foods if you eat them.
I think this will be good because I dont have Weight Watchers meetings where I live so I have no one to keep tabs on me. I think this is half my problem since starting out. I also hope that I have to do such hard work at the gym I wont WANT to go back to my old ways.

However I still have Volleyball, Touch football and Netball to keep up with, not to mention netball games are straight after the Sunday Sessions! Fitness and weight loss here I come!

It all starts 16th May so I will keep you posted :)

Still here :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I know it's been a few days since I last posted but I'm still here.

My weekend in Bris went alright, I think I made good food choices but I really missed out on my usual exercise and I hated not doing it. I weighed in when I got back and I remained the same weight. No gain no loss.

I tried to fit in some shopping while I was away and it was funny that I didn't really want to spend money on clothes. I kept saying to myself don't waste money on clothes they wont fit for much longer because I'm going to get smaller! But I did buy some shoes (I love shoes becauase they always fit no matter size my body is :) ) and I bought some new sports bras. Having a bigger bust I find I really need to spend good money on good sports bras. I tried one of them out last night at touch football and it felt fantastic! It's much more comfortable running around without all the extra bounce! I even scored a try :)

I also bought a meal planner note pad which is really awesome. Its just a pad of weekly meal planners and you fil out what you're going to eat for each meal and your snacks. I usually spend so much time on the computer making a meal planner filling it in and printing it. This is so much easier :)

I have netball training tonight, which I always look forward to. I also have my first real game of the season this Sunday (I missed out on the first real game last Sunday because I was in Brisbane) and I can't wait! That should really test my fitness!

Still Trying...

Friday, April 09, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
It has been a stressful week preparing for a trip this weekend (for my chartered program) so I must admit I still have not been on top of my tracking and points.
Exercise has been lacking this week due to the Easter weekend but I have still tried to put in some effort and do some (just not as much as normal).

This weekend is going to be tough, eating out for every meal is never an easy task!

I will still be away on Monday which is my WI day so I wont get to weigh myself.

I have planned my meals for next week and already prepared my shopping list so that I can get in and do that as soon as I get home on Monday and finally have a good week!

I posted a thread on the WW discussion board about how hard it has been for me to get back on track. Someone replied with a very helpful point and that was 'Choose you Hard'. Its hard to lose weight, but its hard to be overweight. This is so true and it has really made me think about my weightloss journey.
Sure it's hard to track, it's hard to give up the yummy but bad for you foods, its hard not having a glass of wine because you don't have any points and all of your friends are drinking, and its hard fitting exercise into your dail routine that is already crambed full.
It's hard to go shopping for clothes that you like and feel comfortable in, its hard to go out and feel happy about how you look as you look around comparing yourself to others, its hard to look in the mirror and see something that your happy with, and its hard covering up your rolls (it really is!).
So which hard will you choose.

I've really given this thought and I know which hard I've chosen :)
Time to get serious about getting on track and lose this weight!

Easter weekend

Sunday, April 04, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well its been a little while since my last post... I didnt post after last weeks weigh in, so it goes without saying that it didnt go well. I put on 600g! Two steps forward, one step back.
However I must say that despite this I still feel motivated about this weight loss journey.

Considering the long weekend, I think I have done very well over the last 3 days with food choices, and I also requested NO chocolate for Easter so that temptation could be averted. I went out last night with a friend also, and I only had 2 glasses of wine which I felt was very good for me :) but I did feel very self concious about my image as I looked around at all of those skinny pretty girls in cocktail dresses and heels. Perhaps that helped me stay on track last night!
I havent done any exercise since Thursday though and I feel the effects of it. I feel tired and lazy, so back into some exercise tomorrow. It really does make you feel better!

Tomorrow is weigh in, hope its good news! Back to exercise, back to tracking, back to weight loss journey. I'm not giving up :)