Weight Loss Journey

12 Week Challenge... COMPLETED!

Monday, August 16, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
That's right! I completed the 12 week challenge!
12 weeks ago I was petrified of what I had signed myself up to. All I could think of was being pushed way beyond my limit, I thought there would be tears from not being able to do the workouts and still being pushed to do it, would I be pushed so hard I'd vomit? I was worried I'd start the challenge and wouldn't finish it because I thought it was 'too hard'.
Now it was come to the end of the 12 weeks and I'm sad that it is over :( I continued to surprise myself each week with my ability and how quickly my fitness and strength improved. I started the challenge not being able to do 1 push up and now I can do over 10! I jog longer, I can lift heavier weights and I can stick to my calories without even trying. Not only was I able to complete every challenge on the Sunday afternoon (without tears or vomit) but I was able to go straight to my netball game after the Sunday challenge and play a whole game! And then last night I went straight to netball and played two games after our longest grueling Sunday challenge ever!
But my weight loss journey is not over! I'm back to the gym tonight to sign up for their results program which will be almost the same as what I have been doing minus the Sunday challenges. I now only have 20kgs to lose, which sounds a whole lot better then over 30kgs! That used to sound almost impossible to me! My goal over the next 12 weeks is to lose 10 kgs and then hopefully I will lose my last 10 kg by Christmas. The goal is still in sight for me. Normally I would have given up a long time ago with my 'its too hard' thoughts. But not this time! I feel so good and I could never go back to my old ways.
I went and bought coffee from the coffee shop and the lady behind hte counter kept looking at me only to finally say 'wow you look good today!' I must say it has helped put a little skip in my step this morning :)
Well I'm off to enjoy my day :)

I've lost a bag of dog biscuits!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
At Sunday's weigh in I lost 900g bringing my running total weight loss to 12kgs gone, done and dusted :) Later that evening I was sitting in the dining room and I thought I really need to visualise my weight loss, I really needed to see something that was 12kgs to really see how far I have come... I thought for a little while before I quickly ran out to the garage and then came back inside lugging a large (12kg) bag of dog biscuits!!! I was so excited and proud of myself when I could see and feel exactly how much 12 kgs was! I left the bag of dog biscuits at the door to show hubby when he came home from work that night. The poor dogs needed feeding (dinner time for them is just before hubby comes home) but they had to wait until he came home so I could show him. He was very proud of me too.

Still going strong

Monday, August 02, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
It has been a while since I have posted, and it is mostly just because I have been so busy at work and home I haven't had time.

Weight loss is still going strong :) I had a slow couple of weeks with two weeks showing a small loss of only 200g each time, but this Sunday showed a wopping 1.3kgs loss! This brings my total loss to 11.1kgs :) I'm so happy!
I have just completed week 10 of the 12 week challenge, meaning I only have 2 more weeks left. I can not believe how fast the time has gone.
I was unfortunate enough to hurt my hip last Sunday (we did alot of stair relays) and have had to take the week pretty slow, not being able to do much at all in the gym or outside of it for that matter. I had to give touch football a miss and netball training, no cardio and only did upper body weights and body balance class.
Which is why I was very surprised to see such a big loss this week! To think those two weeks I only lost 200g I was working so hard! I went to the gym 9 times, played touch football, netball and netball training.
This weight loss thing it too hard to understand... but as long as I keep losing I'm not going to complain :)

Well I'm off to fill in my food diary because I've been a little slack with it the last couple of days... the weekend always makes it hard to keep track of.

Under 100!!

Monday, July 12, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I did it! I went under 100kgs!! I am now a double digit girl once again :) I never ever ever want to say 100+kgs again!

Yesterday was the end of week 7, I lost 1.2kgs and I was so pleased! There is now only 5 weeks left of the challenge.

Sunday Challenge yesterday was a 75min boxing circuit. It was hard work, but everyone powered through the afternoon, kicking, punching & skipping our way to fitness and weight loss.

Netball was back on this week :) so I had a game of netball to play after Sunday Challenge. It was so good to play again after having two weeks off! We won our game by alot! the score was 40-14. We were very impressed with ourselves :)

Well better get to work...

Half Way!

Monday, July 05, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I have now completed week 6 of the 12 week challenge, meaning I am now half way through!
I have lost 8.2kgs and almost 30cms! Not only am I excited about the weight loss but I am very happy about feeling fitter :)

We started 'phase 2' of our program which includes a new cardio and weights program that is harder then that of 'phase1'. I completed my new cardio program yesteday for the first time and I really enjoyed it. It was quite a work out but one I was very capable of doing. I kept thinking back to my first time doing the cardio program of phase 1 and how I was thinking 'there is no way I can complete this'... I felt like I was going to collapse on the floor! To be able to complete the cardio program yesterday and to enjoy it and to feel fitter and stronger felt so amazing.

I am also very happy that I am so close to going under 100kg. Oh to be double figures again!! Bring it on I say :)

I just can't believe the change in my frame of mind regarding weight loss. You really do need to be in the right head space to lose weight.
I'm already looking forward, past the 12 week challenge, and I have decided to continure my gym membership and do the results program, and continue counting my calories until I get to goal! I don't even have to say I have over 30 kg's to lose anymore, just over 20kgs now :)

I still have a bit of a journey to go, but its one I'm enjoying and intend on completing :)

Finaly Reaching Goals! :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I started my weight loss journey back in about September last year, I'd lose some weight, gain some, lose some more, gain more then lost, lose a little more, gain, gain and gain. So needless to say I wasn't very successful in reaching ANY of my goals!

But that is all different now! I have only been doing this challenge for 4 weeks so far and with WI on Sunday I lost 1.2kg's brining my running total weight loss so far to 5.9kg! Which meant I met two of my goals! 5kg and 5%!! How exciting to see that I am finally making a dent in the weight loss.

My next goal is to go under 100kg, oh to be double figures again :) 3.4kg's to go until that happens so I can't wait.

This Sunday's challenge was Bootcamp, and it was alot of fun, very challenging but still fun. We ran, dived and comando crawled our way through the afternoon. My muscles are all still feeling the pain even today.
I have my PT early this week, doing it tonight instead of my usual Friday night time because this Friday is a public holiday because of the local show. This one is a fitness test so I am feeling very nervous about it.
Wish me luck :)

Finally on the right track!

Thursday, June 17, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
It has been a while since I have posted on here but I'm still around.

I have almost completed 4 weeks of the 12 week challenge and it has been going really well! At the end of 3 weeks I had lost 4.7 kgs! I'm excited to see how I go at WI this Sunday to see if I hit the 5kg mark :)
5am mornings have become the norm now, I wake up, hop out of bed pop on my gym clothes, grab a bite to eat and head to the gym. I have a couple of friends doing the challenge with me so it has been very motivating knowing that I am meeting them there and not doing it alone.

My days are alternated between my cardio and weights program and every Sunday we have Sunday challenge with the whole group and all the trainers. Each week is a different challange. So far I have done Body Pump and Body Blance and then this weekend is Boot Camp! I'm excited but very nervous about this one!

It has been hard work every day of the week but I feel so good for doing it! We have personal training diaries where we record our calorie intake and exercise for each day. We also have a PT once a week and after our workout with the trainer they go through our diarys and point out bad choices, praise you for good choices and give you some pointers that might help you along the way.

I must admit that some days I have a bad day (especially if my whole body is aching!) where I think it would just be easier to stay the way that I am, but I have a very supportive husband and friends that are always telling me how proud they are of me for doing this and that always pushes me along.

I know that once this challenge is over that I will continue to go to the gym and make it part of my lifestyle. I can't wait to get a point where I am maintaining my weight and not trying to lose it! Even though it still a bit of time before I get there, this 12 wk challenge has most certainly put me back on the right track!



Friday, April 30, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Off to the gym tonight to join up to the 12 week challenge. I get very excited every time I think about the possible outcome at the end (awesome weight loss!) but then when I think about the actual journey I get scared.

But scared or not I'm off to join up :)

12 week challenge :S

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I weighed in on Monday with no change at all! No loss and no gain.

I decided its time to KICK my butt into gear and I'm signing on for the 12 week challenge at the Gym. SCARED!!
This will involved having to go to the gym during the week, following a plan your trainer sets for you, one Personal Training session a week and then a compulsary Sunday group session where all the trainers work you so hard with a different activity each week (including boot camp!)
Not only will it include the exercise plan, but it also includes a food diary where you have to record what you eat, stay within a certain amount of calaries and they check your food diary at ever PT session to see how you've been going. There are 'punishments' for certain bad foods if you eat them.
I think this will be good because I dont have Weight Watchers meetings where I live so I have no one to keep tabs on me. I think this is half my problem since starting out. I also hope that I have to do such hard work at the gym I wont WANT to go back to my old ways.

However I still have Volleyball, Touch football and Netball to keep up with, not to mention netball games are straight after the Sunday Sessions! Fitness and weight loss here I come!

It all starts 16th May so I will keep you posted :)

Still here :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I know it's been a few days since I last posted but I'm still here.

My weekend in Bris went alright, I think I made good food choices but I really missed out on my usual exercise and I hated not doing it. I weighed in when I got back and I remained the same weight. No gain no loss.

I tried to fit in some shopping while I was away and it was funny that I didn't really want to spend money on clothes. I kept saying to myself don't waste money on clothes they wont fit for much longer because I'm going to get smaller! But I did buy some shoes (I love shoes becauase they always fit no matter size my body is :) ) and I bought some new sports bras. Having a bigger bust I find I really need to spend good money on good sports bras. I tried one of them out last night at touch football and it felt fantastic! It's much more comfortable running around without all the extra bounce! I even scored a try :)

I also bought a meal planner note pad which is really awesome. Its just a pad of weekly meal planners and you fil out what you're going to eat for each meal and your snacks. I usually spend so much time on the computer making a meal planner filling it in and printing it. This is so much easier :)

I have netball training tonight, which I always look forward to. I also have my first real game of the season this Sunday (I missed out on the first real game last Sunday because I was in Brisbane) and I can't wait! That should really test my fitness!

Still Trying...

Friday, April 09, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
It has been a stressful week preparing for a trip this weekend (for my chartered program) so I must admit I still have not been on top of my tracking and points.
Exercise has been lacking this week due to the Easter weekend but I have still tried to put in some effort and do some (just not as much as normal).

This weekend is going to be tough, eating out for every meal is never an easy task!

I will still be away on Monday which is my WI day so I wont get to weigh myself.

I have planned my meals for next week and already prepared my shopping list so that I can get in and do that as soon as I get home on Monday and finally have a good week!

I posted a thread on the WW discussion board about how hard it has been for me to get back on track. Someone replied with a very helpful point and that was 'Choose you Hard'. Its hard to lose weight, but its hard to be overweight. This is so true and it has really made me think about my weightloss journey.
Sure it's hard to track, it's hard to give up the yummy but bad for you foods, its hard not having a glass of wine because you don't have any points and all of your friends are drinking, and its hard fitting exercise into your dail routine that is already crambed full.
It's hard to go shopping for clothes that you like and feel comfortable in, its hard to go out and feel happy about how you look as you look around comparing yourself to others, its hard to look in the mirror and see something that your happy with, and its hard covering up your rolls (it really is!).
So which hard will you choose.

I've really given this thought and I know which hard I've chosen :)
Time to get serious about getting on track and lose this weight!

Easter weekend

Sunday, April 04, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Well its been a little while since my last post... I didnt post after last weeks weigh in, so it goes without saying that it didnt go well. I put on 600g! Two steps forward, one step back.
However I must say that despite this I still feel motivated about this weight loss journey.

Considering the long weekend, I think I have done very well over the last 3 days with food choices, and I also requested NO chocolate for Easter so that temptation could be averted. I went out last night with a friend also, and I only had 2 glasses of wine which I felt was very good for me :) but I did feel very self concious about my image as I looked around at all of those skinny pretty girls in cocktail dresses and heels. Perhaps that helped me stay on track last night!
I havent done any exercise since Thursday though and I feel the effects of it. I feel tired and lazy, so back into some exercise tomorrow. It really does make you feel better!

Tomorrow is weigh in, hope its good news! Back to exercise, back to tracking, back to weight loss journey. I'm not giving up :)

Only a little bit over.

Thursday, March 25, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »

I'm still on top of my tracking :) I had a really good day yesterday, I tracked all of my food, I ate what I planned and had a few points left over.
Then I went and played touch football last night which I really enjoyed. I managed to stay on the feild alot longer this time and subbed less which I feel good about.
And then on the way home from touch we stopped at the service station to put some air in my tyre and hubbie bought us some iced coffe and icecream...
Good work undone!
I tracked every point and only managed to go over by 2 points. Not so bad but still not very good.

Netball training tonight, so will work very hard at training. No game this Sunday however so hopefuly the team will be keen to train on Sunday as well. It's one of my exercise days and I will have more chances of doing something if training is on rather then having to do some exercise on my own.

I have been wanting to do the c25k program for a while and I have even downloaded a neat little app for it on my iphone. I'm really hoping I can get organised enough to start doing it soon :)

Well I best be off to tack this mornings food before I forget!
It's nearly Friday! woohoo :)

Food triggers

Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »

Stress is my food trigger!! I have been busy busy with work, study, work presentations, planning my mums surprise 40th ect ect and yesterday I was feeling the stress! I felt the stress and my stomach felt the food. I went to bed last night thinking, why did I just do that? Why did I eat that packet of chips? Why did I eat those pieces of chocolate? But nothing I can do to take it back now, just be good today and try to be good every other day.

Obviously I need to find ways to deal with my stress and not just try to eat it away!

On a positive note I still tracked the whole day. I went over in points but I was truthful and accountable for everything that I ate. Normally I would avoid tracking to avoid seeing everything that I ate, but not this time :) It's good tracking it all and seeing that I went over because it has given me motivation to try my hardest to eat well today. I planned every meal and have already tracked for the day, so the plan is to only eat what I have in the tracker. I do have a few points left over incase a snack attack comes about but I will choose a point friendly option that fits within those points.

Dinner is my only real concern today, this is because of touch football tonight. We play the late game tonight (7:50pm) and I always find it hard deciding to eat before or after when we play at that time. Usually ends up in quick fix and a bad choice. But not tonight! I will cook dinner before touch that way whenever I decide to eat it, its there and is within my points :) Fingers crossed all goes to plan!

I played indoor volleyball last night. I always have fun at volleyball! We play at the squash courts and if it isnt already hot enough here in outback queensland it is certainly hotter inside those courts! Felt like I was in a sauna the entire game! But I don't think that a little extra sweating could hurt ;)

I did it!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I tracked the entire day yesterday!!! and I even had 1.5 points left over at the end of the day :)
It has been such a long time since I have stuck it out and kept on top of my tracking so I really feel like I have accomplished something.

I have been watching this show in the mornings, called supersized v superskinny, and it has been some interesting veiwing. It is unbelievable how unhealthy the skinny people eat!
They hardly eat foods with any nutritional value and are actually doing their body's harm being the way that they are.
Watching this show helps me think about wanting to eat healthy, be healthy and be fit rather then only being concerned with my size.
When joining WW I wanted to do it for all of the above reasons, not just weight loss, but watching this show makes it sink in alot more! I want to be healthy not just skinnny!

I must say I feel more obliged to make sure I am eating my points, and eating from each food group to ensure its a healthy balanced diet. I feel so much better when I eat a balanced diet. Even in the last week I have noticed how much more energy I have. This should help keep the motivation going.

Weigh In Day

Monday, March 22, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
The week just gone, was not the best. But I weighed in this morning and I had a loss!!! 700 grams gone :) Pretty happy about it since I'm only aiming for 500g loss a week.
Despite my loss though I didn't have the best week and I still have alot of work to do in sorting myself out if I am going to stay on this plan andnot fall off track!

Last week:

I didn't track a full day the entire week, but I did try and watch what I ate.

I did drink lots of water every day. And I exercised 4 days during the week, with 3 of those days being intensive sports.

30 day no take away challenge is already a fail! After going to the races on Saturday, hubby and I got home and undecided of what to have for dinner and not being able to drive ourselves anywhere after having a couple of drinks, we ordered pizza! I completely forgot about the no takeway challenge until AFTER the pizza arrived!

So this week:

I will track everyday! And stay within my points!

I will continue to drink my water and add an extra day of exercise (even if its just a walk) to my week.

The no takeaway challange started again yesterday, 30 days of no takeaway and we will make it :)

I feel better about this already! I had sultana bran for breakfast and even weighed my portion! I have watermelon, rockmelon and no fat yogurt for snacks today. Left over vegetable soup for lunch and although I have not planned dinner yet, I will plan it when I go home for lunch today.

Here's to a good week!


Thursday, March 18, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm slowly starting to get back into tracking. The start of the week I was only tracking half of the day and then I wouldnt track the rest, but today I have tracked the entire day :) only dinner left to go!

I have also succeeded in staying away from the cookie jar at work! 4 days and no biscuits! woo hoo!

I played touch football last night which was alot of fun :) and I have netball training tonight which I am really looking forward to. I really enjoy netball! As I am the captain of our team I have to organise our training, so I planned alot of fitness drills for today. I've been feeling pretty sluggish still and would like to work myself harder. Hopefully everyone will be happy with today's training.

Now my biggest problem of the week is going to be the weekend. My brother is turning 21 this weekend and we are all heading to the local races to celebrate. I'm looking forward to the day but I'm nervous about what choices I will make. Who can turn down champagne at the races? (and I don't go out very often!).
But I guess I will just have to see how I go.
My next dilemma is making sure I have a dress in my cupboard that fits! I've been putting it off all week in case they don't! But only one way to know.
I guess I better go find out!

Still off to bumpy start...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Yesterday was busy busy busy!! Work was flat out and I tried my hardest to get out on time but it didn't happen. Then I had to rush to volleyball, (which was so much fun) and because hubby and I were doing grocery shopping last night, I had to rush home, shower and get ready. Once home we found out our good friends had had their baby!! Very exciting news so was on the phone for a little while, and delayed our grocery shopping.

We finally made it the grocery store, we rushed around getting what we could before closing time and we were silly enough not to get something easy for dinner for when we got home.. so off to McDonalds we went. :(

And I thought I was doing so well during the day up until that point!

Today I feel exhausted, no energy and I know most of it is because of what I ate. Takeaway foods always make me feel like this... they aren't REALLY enjoyable to eat and they don't give me any energy.

So today is the start of a new challenge that hubby and I have set ourselves.

30 day no takeaway challenge! and after that long without it, it may even go on for longer.
I will however allow the exception of subway.

So today is day one :)

On a a positive note, I stayed away from the cookie jar at work yesterday :)
And I will keep that challenge today as well, because today is going to be a tough one. Whenever I am tired I manage to make my way through the day with a few cups of coffee and some biscuits... but not today! (wish me luck)

Touch football tonight. I play in a mixed team with a few friends, hubby and my brother. Very tough on the leg muscles but I enjoy it :)

Today will be a good day :)

A Bad Start...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
My new attempt at weight loss is off to a BAD start... and for two reasons!

Reason 1: Weigh In was yesterday, but I forgot to weigh in, so this morning I stepped on the scales... and much to my dismay I was 600g heavier than last week! Currently weighing in at 106.5 I am now further from my goal than I thought...

Reason 2: Although I vowed I was on a good start to a slimmer ME yesterday, after a stressful day of work, stressful moments finishing my assignment to be submitted last night and then a long stressful evening of fixing the computer which decided to have a melt down, I gave in, in the worst possible way! After a yummy healthy, point friendly dinner, I scoffed down some chocolate with a cup of tea. And if that wasn't bad enough I had another cup of tea, this time with a big piece of choccy cake!

Although the day ended badly, I am not feeling depressed or extremely down about the above situations (although I am feeling a little guilty and silly). Instead I am trying to look at them in a positive way in order to move forward from these disasters.

Although I am heavier then first mentioned yesterday, this only gives me more motivation to try and lose weight. I am realising more and more I can not keep going up and up in weight. I need to take control of my choices and decisions and make better ones.
And although I had a chocolate party (invitation for one only) last night, it now seems quite obvious that stress is my food trigger. Now that I know this I can work on making better choices when stress rears its ugly head.

So once again, it's a new day!

I have planned healthy meals for the entire day, and I have also allowed points for two chocolate chip cookies that I have packed for work today incase a sugar craving hits this afternoon. (My challenge for the day is also to stay away from the cookie jar at work!)

Will be off to play indoor volleyball tonight, so exercise for the day will be covered and hubby and I are going grocery shopping after that to buy lots of healthy foods :)

Skinny here I come :)

A New Day

Monday, March 15, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
Everyday my mind is filled with thoughts regarding weight loss. What I will do to achieve it, why I want to achieve it, how will I achieve it, What foods should I eat, how will i fit in enough exercise.
I am continuously looking at other women, looking at their size, their shape, and deciding if that is how I want to look, or deciding it's not how I want to look.
Thus the reason for deciding to start a blog. A way to express my thoughts, and perhaps a way to help me act upon them.

Despite my desire to lose weight I have not been very successful in doing so. For the past 5 years I have been a yo yo dieter and in respect of this my weight has yo yo'd also. I have done the shake diet, 12 week recipe book diets, soup diets and Weight Watchers 3 times.
Weight Watchers is the only one that make sense and the only one that I enjoy which is why I have gone back to it.
The last time I joined WW was November last year, I weighed in at 103.8kg. Since joining I have yo yo'd with the plan. Sometimes stuck to it, other times I haven't. My weight has gone up and down and I now currently weigh 105.9kg, 2.1kg heavier then when I started. So enough is enough and now I need to get back on track. I can no longer complain about my weight if I, myself am not REALLY doing anything about it.

I got married last year in September and was able to lose 12kg on my own before my big day. Although I was not at a size I hoped for I was still happy that I had lost the weight. Now I have put almost all of it back on and I end up making myself feel depressed everytime I look at my wedding photos, knowing that I have wasted all that effort in losing weight.
I have so many days when I think I just want to get rid of this excess weight!! It consumes so many of my thoughts.

But here I am, ready to start again! I WILL track my points, I WILL plan what I eat and I WILL lose weight. :)

I WILL be plus size no more!