Weight Loss Journey

Still going strong

Monday, August 02, 2010 Edit This 0 Comments »
It has been a while since I have posted, and it is mostly just because I have been so busy at work and home I haven't had time.

Weight loss is still going strong :) I had a slow couple of weeks with two weeks showing a small loss of only 200g each time, but this Sunday showed a wopping 1.3kgs loss! This brings my total loss to 11.1kgs :) I'm so happy!
I have just completed week 10 of the 12 week challenge, meaning I only have 2 more weeks left. I can not believe how fast the time has gone.
I was unfortunate enough to hurt my hip last Sunday (we did alot of stair relays) and have had to take the week pretty slow, not being able to do much at all in the gym or outside of it for that matter. I had to give touch football a miss and netball training, no cardio and only did upper body weights and body balance class.
Which is why I was very surprised to see such a big loss this week! To think those two weeks I only lost 200g I was working so hard! I went to the gym 9 times, played touch football, netball and netball training.
This weight loss thing it too hard to understand... but as long as I keep losing I'm not going to complain :)

Well I'm off to fill in my food diary because I've been a little slack with it the last couple of days... the weekend always makes it hard to keep track of.